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  • Tsai, C.C., Wang, J.P., Huang, T.U., Sung, C.Y. (2022) “Correlations between pore pressure development in sandy soil and CAV-based ground motion intensity measures.” Engineering Geology, 307, 106779.

  • Wang, J.P., Sung, C.Y., Chang, S.C. (2022) “Bayesian Seismic hazard analysis.” Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 81, 265.

  • Wu, M.H., Wang, J.P., Chiang, P.N. (2022) “Cumulative absolute velocity (CAV) seismic hazard assessment for Taiwan.” Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 26, 3440-3460.

  • Wu, M.H., Wang, J.P., Chen, J. H., Chen, I.C. (2022) “Earthquake-induced unserviceable apartment rate and earthquake insurance in Taiwan.” Georisk, 16(4), 699-709.

  • Wu, M.H., Wang, J.P., Chen, J.H., Lin, Y.H. (2021) “A new approach for modeling earthquake magnitude probability distribution.” Journal of GeoEngineering, 16(4), 145-154.

  • Wang, J.P., Lin, Y.H. (2021) “Application of Bayesian calculation to determine logic-tree weights for ground motion prediction equations: Seismological case studies in Taiwan.” Engineering Geology, 294, 106347.

  • Chen, J.H., Chou, T.S., Wang, J.P., Wei, H.H., Yang, Y.H. (2021) “Sustainable corporate governance: the impact factor for top consulting engineering companies in Taiwan.” Sustainability, 13, 7604.

  • Stathas, D., Wang, J.P. Ling, H.I. (2021) “Behavior of concave segmental soil retaining wall using porcupine blocks.” International Journal of Geomechanics ASCE, 21(8), 04021138.

  • Chen, J.H., Nguyen, H.T.T., Chou, C.C., Wang, J.P., Wang, T.K. (2021) “Transit-oriented development: exploring citizen perceptions in a booming city, Can Tho City, Vietnam.” Sustainability, 13(3), 1370.

  • Chen, J.H., Yang, L., Wang, J.P., Lin, S.I., Lee, M. H., Chen, C.L. (2021) “Automatic manpower allocation for public construction projects using a rough set enhanced neural network.” Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 48(8), 1020-1025.

  • Wu, M.H., Wang, J.P., Wu, Y.J. (2020) “Relationship between liquefaction potential index and liquefaction probability.” Journal of GeoEngineering, 15(3), 135-144.

  • Das Bhowmik, R., Ng, T.L., Wang, J.P. (2020) “Understanding the impact of observation data uncertainty on probabilistic streamflow forecasts using a dynamics hierarchical model.” Water Resources Research, 56, e2019WR02546.

  • Wu, M.H., Wang, J.P. (2020) “Relationship between earthquake magnitude and fault length for Taiwan: Bayesian approach.” Journal of GeoEngineering, 15(2), 69-76

  • Wu, M.H., Wang, J.P., Ku, K.W. (2019) “Earthquake, Poisson and Weibull distributions.” Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its applications, 526, 121001.

  • Xu, Y., Wang, J.P., Wu, Y. M., Kuo-Chen, H. (2019) “Prediction models and seismic hazard assessment: a case study from Taiwan.” Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 122, 94-106.

  • Wu, M.H., Wang, J.P., Chen, I.C. (2019) “Optimization approach in determining rainfall duration-intensity threshold for debris flow forecast.” Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 78, 2495-2501.

  • Wang, J.P., Tang, X.S., Wu, Y.M., Li, D.Q. (2018) “Copula-based earthquake early warning decision-making strategy.” Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 115, 324-330.

  • Wang, J.P., Xu, Y., Kuochen, H., Wu, Y.M. (2018) “CAV site-effect assessment: a case study of Taipei Basin.” Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 108, 142-149.

  • Tang, X., Wang, J.P., Yang, W., Li, D. (2018) “Joint probability modeling for two debris-flow variables: copula approach.” Natural Hazards Review ASCE, 19(2), 05018004.

  • Stathas, D., Wang, J.P. Ling, H.I. (2017) “Model geogrids and 3D printing.” Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 45, 688-696.

  • Wang, J.P., Xu, Y., Wu, Y.M. (2017) “Earthquake probability in Taipei based on non-local model with limited local observation.” Soils Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 99, 150-156.

  • Xu, Y., Wang, J.P., Wu, Y.M., Kuo-Chen, H. (2017) “Reliability assessment on earthquake early warning: a case study from Taiwan.” Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 92, 397-407.

  • Xu, Y., Wang, J.P. (2017) “Earthquake recurrence assessment of the active Shanchiao Fault in northern Taiwan.” Natural Hazards, 88, 835-851.

  • Wang, J.P. (2016) "Site characterization with multiple measurement profiles from different tests: Bayesian approach." Soils and Foundations, 56(4), 712-718.

  • Xu, Y., Tang, X.S., Wang, J.P., Kuo-Chen, H. (2016) “Copula-based joint probability function for PGA and CAV: a case study from Taiwan.” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 45, 2123-2136.

  • Wang, J.P., Chang, S.C., Xu, Y. (2016) “Best-estimate return period of the Sanchiao fault in Taipei: Bayesian approach.” Natural Hazards Review ASCE, 17(1), 06015001.

  • Yang, W, Xu, Y., Wang, J.P. (2016) “Characterizing soil property in an area with limited measurements: a Bayesian approach.” Georisk: Assessment and Management of Risk for Engineered Systems and Geohazards, 11:2, 189-196.

  • Wang, J.P. (2016) “Reviews of seismicity around Taiwan: Weibull distribution.” Natural Hazards, 80(3), 1651-1668.

  • Wang, J.P., Wu, Y. M., Huang, D. (2015) “Major earthquakes around Taipei and a seismic hazard analysis with Monte Carlo Simulation.” Natural Hazards Review ASCE, 16(4), 04015003.

  • Wang, J.P., Xu, Y. (2015) “A non-stationary earthquake probability assessment with the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion.” Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 15, 2401-2412.

  • Wang, J.P., Chang, S.C., Wu, Y. M., Xu, Y. (2015) “Bayesian analysis on earthquake magnitude related to an active fault in Taiwan.” Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 75, 18-26.

  • Wang, J.P., Chang, S.C. (2015) “Evidence in support of seismic hazard following Poisson distribution.” Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 424, 207-216.

  • Wang, J.P., Brant, L. (2015) “Two Bayesian algorithms for earthquake parameters estimation.” Earthquake Spectra, 31(1), 565-578.

  • Wang, J.P., Wu, M.H.(2015) “Risk assessments on active faults in Taiwan.” Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 74, 117-124.

  • Hong, Y., Wang, J.P., Li, D.Q., Z.J. Cao., Ng, C.W.W., Cui, P. (2015) “Statistical analysis of impact pressure and discharge of debris flow from 139 events during 1961 and 2000 at Jiangjia Ravine, China.” Engineering Geology, 187, 122-134.

  • Wang, J.P., Kuo-Chen, H. (2015) “On the use of AFOSM to estimate major earthquake probabilities in Taiwan.” Natural Hazards, 75, 2577-2587.

  • Wang, J.P., Xu. Y. (2015) “Estimating the standard deviation of soil properties with limited samples through the Bayesian approach.” Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 74, 271-278.

  • Wang, J.P., Taheri, H.(2014) “Seismic Hazard Assessment of the Tehran Region.” Natural Hazards Review ASCE, 15(2), 121-127.

  • Wang, J.P., Wu, Y.M. (2014) “A new seismic hazard analysis using FOSM algorithms.” Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 67, 251-256.

  • Wang, J.P., Xu, Y., Chang, S.C. (2014) “A new procedure modeling the probability distribution of earthquake size.” Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 413, 385-393.

  • Wang, J.P., Wu, Y.M. (2014) “Epistemic uncertainty in on-site earthquake early warning on the use of PGV-PD3 empirical models.” Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 65, 126-130.

  • Wang, J.P., Huang, D., Chang, S.C., Wu, Y.M. (2014). “New evidence and perspective to the Poisson process and earthquake temporal distribution from 55,000 events around Taiwan since 1900.” Natural Hazards Review ASCE, 15, 38-47.

  • Wang, J.P., Wu, Y.M., Huang, D., Chang, S.C. (2014). “A new procedure to best-fit earthquake magnitude probability distributions: Including an example for Taiwan.” Natural Hazards, 71, 837-850.

  • Wang, J.P., Huang, D. (2014). “Deterministic seismic hazard assessments for Taiwan considering non-controlling seismic sources.” Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 73 (2), 635-641.

  • Wang, J.P., Xu, Y., Wu, Y.M. (2013). “A FOSM calculation for seismic hazard assessment with the consideration of uncertain size conversion.” Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 13, 2649-2657.

  • Wang, J.P., Huang, D., Chang, S.C., Brant, L. (2013) “On-site earthquake early warning with multiple regression analysis: featuring two user-friendly applications for Excel.” Computers and Geosciences, 58, 1-7.

  • Chen, C.H., Wang, J.P., Wu, Y.M., Chan, C.H., Chang, C.H. (2013). “A study of earthquake inter-occurrence times distribution models in Taiwan.” Natural Hazards, 69, 1335-1350.

  • Wang, J.P. Huang, D., Cheng, C.T., Shao, K.S., Wu, Y.C., Chang, C.W. (2013). “Seismic hazard analysis for Taipei City including deaggregation, design spectra, and time history with Excel applications.” Computers and Geosciences, 52, 146-154.

  • Wang, J.P., Huang, D., Chang, S.C. (2013). “Assessment of seismic hazard associated with the Meishan fault in Central Taiwan.” Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 72, 249-256.

  • Wang, J.P., Yang, Z., Huang, D. (2013). “New pole-searching algorithm with applications to probabilistic circular slope stability assessment.” Computers and Geosciences, 51, 83-89.

  • Wang, J.P., Wu, Y.M., Lin, T.L., Brant, L., (2012). “The uncertainty of a Pd3-PGV onsite earthquake early warning system.” Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 36, 32-37.

  • Chan, C.H. Wu, Y.H., Wang, J.P. (2012). “Earthquake forecasting using the rate-and-state friction model and a smoothing Kernel: application of Taiwan.” Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 12, 3045-3057.

  • Wang, J.P., Chang, S.C., Wu, Y.M., Xu, Y. (2012). “PGA distributions and seismic hazard evaluations in three cities in Taiwan.” Natural Hazards, 64, 1373-1390.

  • Wang, J.P., Huang, D. (2012). “Rosenpoint: A Microsoft Excel-based program for the Rosenblueth point estimate method and an application in slope stability analysis.” Computers and Geosciences, 48, 239-243.

  • Wang, J.P., Lin, C. W., Taheri, H., Chen, W.S. (2012). “Impact of fault parameter uncertainties on earthquake recurrence probability by Monte Carlo simulation – an example in central Taiwan.” Engineering Geology, 126, 67-74.

  • Ling, H.I., Leshchinsky, D., Mohri, Y., Wang, J.P. (2012). “Earthquake response of reinforced segmental retaining walls backfilled with substantial percentage of fines.” Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE, 138(8), 934-944.

  • Wang, J.P., Brant, L., Wu, Y.M., Taheri, H. (2012). “Probability-based PGA estimations using the double-lognormal distribution: including site-specific seismic hazard analysis for four sites in Taiwan.” Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 42, 177-183.

  • Wang, J.P., Huang, D. Yang Z. (2012). “The deterministic seismic hazard map for Taiwan developed using an in-house Excel-based program.” Computers and Geosciences, 48, 111-116.

  • Wang, J.P., Huang, D. (2012). “Comment on "Annual probability and return period of soil liquefaction in Yuanlin, Taiwan attributed to Chelungpu Fault and Changhua Fault" by Lee et al., in Engineering Geology, 114: 343-353.” Engineering Geology, 149-150, 93-96.

  • Wang, J.P., Chan, C.H., Wu, Y.M. (2011). “The distribution of annual maximum earthquake magnitude around Taiwan and its application in the estimation of catastrophic earthquake recurrence probability.” Natural Hazards, 59, 553-570.

  • Ling, H.I., Leshchinsky, D., Wang, J.P., Rosen, A. (2009). “Seismic response of geocell retaining walls: Experimental studies.” Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE, 135(4), 515-524.

  • Leshchinsky, D., Ling, H.I., Wang, J.P., Rosen, A., Mohri, Y. (2009). “Equivalent seismic coefficient on geocell retention systems.” Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 27, 9-18.

  • Ling, H.I., Ling, E., Wang, J.P. (2009). “Stress-deformation and fluid pressure of bone specimens under cyclic loading.” Journal of Engineering Mechanics ASCE, 135(5), 375-381.

  • Ling, H.I., Wang, J.P., Leshchinsky, D. (2008). “Cyclic behavior of soil-structure interfaces associated with modular-block reinforced soil-retaining walls.” Geosynthetics International, 15(1), 14-21.

  • Chen, H., Wang, J.P. (2004). “The effect of orientation and shape distribution of gravel on slope angles in the central Taiwan.” Engineering Geology, 72, 19-31.

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